
For a good reason

Any discussion on poverty eradication in India can never be fruitful without a study on the most deprived sections of the society. Despite sixty five years of independence and despite constitutional safeguards, these children continue to live in abject poverty and most of the problems faced by the children are because of their low literacy rate. It has also been accepted that education holds key to Empowerment and Sustainable Development. When the entire nation is trying to find a way to prepare a level playing field for the Village, a frail looking young man Guru Gangadhar Pradhan with his firm conviction that education can get Village out from poverty started a small Gurukul which now has turned into Konark Natya Mandap the largest residential Gurukul for tribal children where they are provided with food, accommodation, healthcare, dance, music & education from KG to PG absolutely free.

Economists, planners and welfare governments, all over the world have been busy finding out solution to the problem of poverty which has remained the main stumbling block to the progress of mankind. There have been numerous meetings, conferences and summits both at macro and micro levels to address the issue of poverty eradication and alleviation. UN General Assembly even declared the period from 1997 to 2006 as the first UN decade for eradication of poverty. Education & culture is often described as a tool to eradicate poverty. Since the link between education and poverty is neither a linear nor a simple cause and effect relationship, it can be concerned that lack of education is perhaps the most important reason for poverty. It has been an accepted fact that poverty reduction or eradication through education can never be achieved without the right mix of policies and strategies guided by a strong commitment to achieve that.

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Name : Konark Natya Mandap
A/C No : 1194101007859
Name : Canara Bank
Branch : Konark, 752111
IFS Code : CNRB0001194

FCRA Account donations from outside India
Name : Konark Natya Mandap
A/C No : 10872161416
Name : State Bank Of India
Branch : Bhubaneswar Main Branch, 751009
IFS Code : SBIN0000041
For any feedback on our fundraising efforts please contact info@konarkfestival.com

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+91 9776008022
+91 9937008022
Konark Natya Mandap, State Highway 13, Off Konark Rd, Arka Vihar Konark, Odisha, India, 752111
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